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3 Building Materials That Do Not Require Termite Control

We hate to be discouraging to anyone interested in owning a home in Florida. But, the truth is out, termites love to eat just about all of the common building materials that we use. And while that might sound like a good reason to shop elsewhere for a new home, you should know that with careful attention to the risks and a good relationship with your termite control team you can avoid any serious damage even if the termites come calling.
It’s good to know that there are some materials which those hungry little bugs can decidedly live without. Here are a few top examples.

This may go without saying, but to be clear, termites do not eat concrete. While you might think it’s silly to even mention it, termites are known to eat nearly anything they can get just a little bit of nutrition from. One example being drywall. You’d think it wouldn’t be appetizing, but the inside of drywall contains cellulose which they find quite appealing.

It’s valuable to bear in mind that termites distaste for concrete when you’re shopping for a home. While most modern homes are wood framed, many Florida homes in the 50s were made of concrete blocks. This choice in building material gives you one more tool in your termite control toolbox.

Cedar is a soft and deliciously fragrant wood. That yummy fragrance comes from the resin and oils in the wood which makes it inedible to termites. For this reason, cedar mulch is a great option for termite proof landscaping. Where other types of mulch draw termites toward the foundation of your home, cedar creates a barrier that can help ward of unwanted colonies.

Pressure Treated Wood
Another type of wood that is inedible to termites is wood that has been pressure treated. Think for example of the wood you’d use to build a fence, deck, or other outdoor structure. When wood is pressure treated it is soaked in a preservative chemical and (as the name states) placed under pressure. This pressure allows the chemical to permeate deeply into all of the wood’s pores to help protect it against pests, weather, and other factors. Due to the chemicals used to treat the wood, it becomes inedible to termites and therefore an excellent building material.

Wisely choosing the materials you use in and around your home can mean the difference between a year with or without a termite infestation. But, if you do end up with a colony of pests living in your home we hope you won’t worry too much. Call us today for more information about our termite control services and to receive a free consultation.

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