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How To Care For Your New Sod Install

Making the investment to sod your yard is a decision that will pay off in the long run. This one change to your property increases the curb appeal and makes your home easier to sell. But do you know what you need to do to care for this new installation? Don’t let this investment go to waste, take good care of your new lawn by following these simple steps.
Diligent Watering
Your new sod requires a great deal more water than you are used to giving your existing grass. In order to keep the young turf healthy, it needs near constant moisture. This will require more sprinkling than your irrigation system is programmed for. Set yourself up on a schedule to water thoroughly 2-3 times per day. Soon you will see healthy beautiful grass as your sod tasks root.

No Backyard Parties
When you first put down new sod it needs between 10 and 14 days to take root and become safe to walk on. Don’t schedule any outdoor gatherings in the two weeks after installation, and we recommend that you direct your kids and pets to another part of your lawn to play for the time being.

Don’t Let The Dog “Go”
All of your grass is sensitive to the chemicals in your dog’s urine. If you see brown spots popping up on your lawn, your best pal Fluffy is likely the culprit. But new sod is especially sensitive to the change in pH that is introduced when your beloved pup uses the restroom. Make sure you’re protecting this young sod by taking your dog off somewhere else to use the restroom. It’s not as convenient as opening the door and letting her run, but it will pay off in the long run.

It should take approximately 2 weeks for your new sod install to root and become one with your gorgeous lawn. In that time, be diligent about taking good care of this new grass. In the end, having a lovely lawn will brighten up the appearance of your home and make spending time outside this summer all the more luxurious.

Are you unsure if your lawn is ready for a new sod install? Contact us today at Holder Pest Control for a free estimate and one of our certified professionals will come out to your home and assess your situation. And if you do choose to install new sod on your lawn, consider installing a new irrigation system, or adjusting your existing system to keep your grass clean and healthy for years to come. At Holder, we have been serving this community for more than thirty-five years and it would be our pleasure to help you as well.

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