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What Your Lawn Is Telling You About Your Lawn Care

Managing your lawn can feel like a fulltime job, but you don’t have to be a professional to understand just what your lawn needs. If you look closely enough and understand the warning signs, your lawn will communicate exactly what lawn care steps you need to take next. Here are some things your lawn may be telling you already and how to identify them.
“I’m Thirsty”
The easiest way to tell if your lawn needs more water is to walk on it. That’s right, if you take a stroll across your lawn and your footsteps remain in the grass, your lawn needs more water. This simple test can save you from a lawn care disaster. Another way to tell if your lawn is screaming for help is grass blades that are folded in half. Once you see this, it’s time to water. Over time you’ll find an irrigation schedule that works for your lawn, but if you’re still managing your irrigation by hand it may be time to invest in a high-quality sprinkler system.

“I’m Drowning”
What you consider diligent watering may actually be causing more problems than you intend. Overwatering your lawn can cause it to develop fungus, thatch, or even an excess of certain weeds that thrive in a very damp environment. So, how do you know if your lawn is overwatered? One common sign is to see pooling water or runoff into the street after irrigation. This means that excess water isn’t being absorbed into the ground. And finally, excess water pulls some nutrients out of the soil and onto your street or driveway. Keep an eye out for yellowing grass which is a classic sign of overwatering. If this continues to be an issue for you, consider hiring an irrigation professional to help you reign in your overwatering tendencies.

“You’re Cutting Too Short”
It may seem like cutting your grass very short will make lawn maintenance easier. Cut it short today and then you won’t have to cut it again for weeks, right? Wrong. Cutting your grass too short can cause lasting damage and even kill your grass. So how can you tell how short is too short? You should never cut more than one-third of the grass blade at one time. Cutting too much, or “scalping” the grass makes it more difficult to produce nutrients. If you can see the stem of your grass, notice any yellowing or browning, or have an abundance of weeds, you may be cutting your grass too short. Not to worry, that can be fixed with a simple adjustment to your lawn mower.

You don’t have to be a lawn care professional to understand the messages that your lawn is sending you. If you pay close attention you’ll hear the messages loud and clear, and over time you’ll develop a plan that works for you through each season. But remember, you don’t have to go it alone. Contact us today to speak with a lawn care professional and find a partner to help keep your grass looking beautiful.

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